Friday, November 30, 2007

What does it mean to be "broad-minded"?


I think being broad-minded means that you have the ability to think on a global scale.I think it also means that you are aware of and connected to your surroundings on a deeper level. Part of being broad minded is being able to look at all aspects of a situation in an unbiased way. i think of myself as being broad-minded because i think i am unbiased.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

700 mile fence

I think that the fence  project would be bad for the economy because it costs way to much. I also think that if the U.S were to allow more immigrants into the country legally there wouldn't be the problem of illegal immigration. Also the government would be able to keep better tabs on people in the country. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

700 mile fence part two

I am against illegal immigration. I don't think that a fence would solve the problem though and I think that a fence is morally wrong because it will force immigrants to cross at more dangerous places. I think that building a fence is also wrong because it disrupts migration patterns of dessert animals that need to get to water on either side of the border. I think that instead of building a wall, the united states should work to help mexico to fight poverty so that people in mexico aren't motivated to come to the united states.