Thursday, December 13, 2007

assisted suicide

I think that assisted suicide should be legal. For many terminally ill people who are going to die any way a quick painless death is a good alternative to a long drawn out one. The argument that assisted suicide is depriving the patient of future choices is absurd because most of them have already lost the ability to make very many choices. They have already lost the choice to live so they should be able to choose to die on there own terms.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

stem cells

Stem cells provide DNA that can be used to clone organ tissue that is an exact match to the patient. Currently with organ and tissue transplants there is a high risk of organ rejection. With cloned tissue there is no such risk.

I think that stem cell research should be allowed to continue. I don't think that embryonic stem cells count as human life. I think this because there is a distinct difference between a stem cell and a fetus. Stem cell research can do a lot to help find cures for many horrible diseases. 

Monday, December 10, 2007

best christmas

I think that for me every christmas has been the best christmas. They have all been great because no matter what every one in my family gets together and has fun. At my grandma's, christmas is the only time that my grandpa comes out of his room. Christmas is the only time no one is mad,  and that doesn't happen very often in my family. So every christmas is my best christmas.

Friday, December 7, 2007


I think that Christmas has become way to commercialized. I think it is fine if people want to buy presents for each other but I think people have lost sight of what Christmas is about. People have become so focused on getting stuff that they have stopped giving and sharing and I think that is sad. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I think that smoking is a personal choice. The use of tobacco products does not effect anyone other than the person who is smoking unless they are smoking in an enclosed space. Because of this I think that smoking inside enclosed spaces (including homes where children live) should be illegal. I do not think that tobacco should be illegalized. Instead I think that all advertising of tobacco should be banned and it should only be legal to sell in tobacco shops. I also think that cigarettes should not be allowed to contain additives that are not natural and the contents of the cigarette should have to be at least 90 percent tobacco. Also cigarette filters should be biodegradable because often people just throw them on the ground when they are done smoking. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

biodiversity and endangered species

I think the extinction of species at it's currant rate is tragic and must be stopped. It is even more tragic because we are causing it. The argument that mass extinctions are a naturally occurring part of the life cycle on earth is ridiculous. It is ridiculous because all of those extinctions have been caused by unnatural forces whereas the current extinction are caused by us. because we humans have a higher intelligence than other animals i think that we have the responsibility to look after the earth and coexist with other   animals.