Thursday, March 13, 2008


1. setting fire to a school
I think that this is the worst because it has the highest potential for lose of lives.

2. Throwing stones onto a railway line
This one is also bad because it could derail the train.

3. painting graffiti on a public building
Graffiti i think is also pretty bad but for a different reason. It is bad because it stamps an image onto the place that it is put onto.

4. breaking a park bench
Breaking a park bench is just stupid, I mean there's no point to it. Also it costs the state money that they could be spending on something important.

5. breaking glass in a bus shelter
This is also stupid for the same reason as the bench one.

6. throwing eggs at cars and homes
I think that egging isn't that bad. the reason i have a problem with it is because it effects people directly.

7. damaging a phone box
Damaging a phone box is stupid cause people use them allot.

8. breaking street lighting
I think that breaking street lighting is pretty bad cause it is needed for people to travel at night safely.

9. damaging seats on buses
This is bad cause lots of people use the bus.

10. leaving litter in the countryside
This is verry bad, but i put it lower than the others because it doesn't effect as many people.

11. Putting dish soap into a fountain
I think that this isn't that bad cause it kinda looks cool.

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